Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Week 2, Day 5 Which Turned Into An Off Day

Sam: Today someone dropped a huge tray of crockery at work which bashed into my left ankle, thereby causing bruising and swelling and an inability to run. Bollocks.

Arivind: Ah well, check out the weekly video round-up to hear more.


  1. hey
    remember to ice that ankle and keep it elevated (reduce the swelling!). Take care of yourself and for god's sake have a donut! My grandma would say you hurt your ankle cos you kepunan makan donut! Lovely excuse to have what you want, really....

  2. thanks, it's ok now no more bengkak, just bit tender :)

    Haha I believe your grandma, it was definitely my lack-of-doughnutness that caused the girl next to me to topple the tray so strategically. But NO I must be strong! Gonna have a whole dozen to myself in 4 weeks grr :P

    How's the Swiss ball pump?

  3. I havent used it yet- i need to find my exercise ball first. It's under my bed somewhere.....
