Monday, 31 August 2009

Note On Day Counting

Hi all,

Arivind here. Just wanted to give some clarity as to how we're counting the days on the blog, simply because Sam & I discovered we were both doing it differently.

Every time you see a post, it will be labelled "Day #Insert Number". Sam has been counting the off days as well, hence there being posts for Day 1, 2 & 4 but no 3 since that was a day off.

I however was under the impression that we were counting just the "on days" and not the "off days" hence you might have noticed that momentarily our Day 4 post changed to Day 3 then back to Day 4.

That was all me.

Anyways, today was meant to be an "on" day but due to the late night we just had, it will be an "off" day instead. Tuesday & Wednesday will now be Day 6 & Day 7 respectively, thus bringing week 1 to an end.

We are also sticking to the meal plan on our off days and would like to know if you'd like to read what we're eating on those off days, so do let us know via your comments or tweets.

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