Saturday, 22 August 2009

Hello and Welcome! :)

Before anything else, a little explanation:

What's The Deal
6 STEPS + 6 WEEKS = 6 PACK!" claims "The Ultimate Abs Plan" article by Mike Tench in the Sept '09 issue of FHM Bionic.

Yeah, right. Right?

What the Heck, Let's Test It!
We expect to be much fitter by the end of the 6 weeks, but we highly doubt we'll end up looking like the chiselled dude in the picture. Which is what the magazine wants you to think.

To make our testing as accurate and fair as possible, we're going to follow all the steps outlined in the article as much as closely as two regular people can.

Who We Are
Arivind Abraham: 26, average guy, moderately fit. Works from home and tries to jog/cycle 3-4 times a week. Lamenting loss of muscle tone after quitting the gym due to THE ECONOMY.

Samantha Tan: 24, female, professional dancer and former gymnast so quite fit. Typically body-conscious woman but also HUGE foodie and therefore in a perpetual dilemma.

The Article

Step 1- "20 seconds on, 10 seconds off"... a timer is in order then. We bought a cheap Casio to use as a stopwatch (£8.87 on Amazon), and will be using our local park as a running track. No expensive gym needed here.

The article has given us no indication as to how many days we should do this- the average person is advised to exercise 3 days a week whilst world-class athletes train almost daily, so the reasonable happy medium we've decided on is 5 days a week.

Step 2- Got it. Will do as told.

Lucky for us we love salmon sashimi :) We'll be recording everything we eat in a daily food diary for the whole of the 6 weeks, and we promise to be honest.

Had NO clue what this weird thingamajig was supposed to do until we watched this:

Looks like a bitch to use but we ordered the exact one shown in the article anyway (£6.99 on Amazon). Pain for pleasure ;P

£36 to cheat?! We're poor and can stomach green tea, so we'll have 3-4 cups daily like step 2 advises to do rather than popping pills.

Step 6- Again no indication of frequency was given, so like the running we'll be doing these 5 times a week. Purchased a 65cm Swiss Ball with pump (£15.94 including postage from eBay), and the only change we'll be making since we don't own a Captain's Chair is to perform Exercise 2 like this:

In addition, Arivind will be doing weight training for his arms and chest which may result in him burning a few more calories, but shouldn't dramatically impact his abs per se.

Samantha won't be doing anything extra with weights lest she ends up looking like this:

We'll be blogging daily once we kick off (which is when the equipment we've ordered arrives), rounded up by a video blog at the end of each week. If you Twitter, follow us on @riptjoint.

Thanks for reading and wish us luck as we embark on our little fitness experiment! :)


  1. Right.

    Carnitine doesn't work btw. I'm researching on it this semester for sport nutrition. it doesnt work.

    and, the 20 s on 10 s off thing is a good technique, although i hear it should be a lot longer, i.e. 2 mins and 30 s...but please follow the magazine. i wanna see if it works too. =)

    i'll be watching this blog closely, guys. don't fail on me! =)

  2. YH : Awesome!! :)
    U can visit this website too

    Karen: why do u say that Carnitine doesnt work? Found anything interesting about it?

  3. i'm with you guys! gonna start today.

    take pics of progress ok! hahah

  4. thanks for the support guys, we're probably gonna start on Wed hopefully stuff arrives by then :)

    shannon, does that meant you're doing the challenge too?? woo hoo!

  5. Hey, sounds good enough that i can do it over puasa- only thing is i'll be running at night!

    Im in!

    now....what are the banned foods again?

  6. Also, can i borrow you exercise ball pump? I lost mine in the move, that was like, last year...:P

  7. YH - you sure you don't want to look like those girls in the picture ar? Grease your muscles. Hotness.

    Haha anyway, this is great. I look forward to following this blog intently.

  8. Eliza- sure thing about the pump, swing by whenever you like :) One thing though- this requires 6 small meals throughout the day so how you gonna do it during puasa? Banned foods are listed under Step 2, I just realised I didn't put up that column so it's there now.

    GP- erm, good for you that greasy fake-bronzed muscles float your boat!

  9. By the way, it was Day 1 today. Food wise was easy but the workout was KILLER! It bloody hurts to sneeze, but I guess that means it's working.

    Read all about it later today! :)


  10. :)
    just Curious to know!


