Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Week 6, Day 6 : AND WE'RE DONE! :)

So here you go, un-Photoshopped pictures of us today, on the last day of the challenge, and what we looked like 6 weeks before:



Verdict: We are both noticeably leaner, fitter and more toned, whoop! HOWEVER, we are definitely not anywhere near marble-carved statue dude in the article who, if you remember, looks like this:

So FHM, sorry but whilst we are thrilled that you have made us both more sculpted you are still found officially guilty of exaggeration in the name of catchy headlines. Bad, bad mag! *slaps you on wrist*

In our humble opinion, the plan is actually a good one but 6 weeks is a severe underestimation of the time it takes to truly change your physique. Even at 5 times a week, 6 weeks means only a grand total of 30 workout sessions- does anyone out there really believe that a 6-pack, which you never possessed before, will suddenly pop out like an alien growth out of your middle after you exercise 30 times? Not unless you're on a hardcore course of protein supplements and/or steroids it won't. Sure, the pair of us are already seeing some very encouraging ab definition, but we believe it will take at least a couple of hundred sessions more before Arivind gets so dramatically cut he can pass for an Indian Ken doll. Perhaps "6 months + 6 steps = 6 pack", or even 1 year, would have been closer to the truth.

Furthermore, the article does not specify what physical condition it assumes you to be in when you start- we are both young, pretty fit, have previous experience with jumping about and know a thing or two about what's nutritious or not, and even then the results have been far subtler than claimed. What if the reader taking on this challenge had been a naive beer-gutted porker with a fondness for doughnuts whose idea of exercise is walking to the fridge? Yes, the public should be smarter than that, but we're guessing FHM's (and most magazines') headlines are aimed at the stupid ones. Tsk tsk, the shame!

Having said that, we both love the results thus far and fully intend to carry on beyond these 6 weeks (Sam: I am AGHAST at how dumpy I looked in my Before picture now that I have something to compare to, check out the saddlebags! Arivind: In all the time I spent in the gym prior to this challenge, I never saw improvement as rapid as I have seen on my core in the 6 weeks just past). There will be no more tedious business of a daily food diary, but at least one of us will blog roughly on a weekly basis so we can see how things pan out in 6 months time. We will also up the difficulty of the exercises and give a go at doubling the interval training (40 seconds sprint, 20 seconds jog etc), so that our progress doesn't plateau.

Most amusingly, our Before/After pictures have been impressive enough to convince Arivind's younger brother Rohan (who spent the last 6 weeks poking fun at our dietary restrictions and rigid workout schedule) to join us! He is a bit beer-gutted and doughnut loving himself, so it will be interesting to see how long he sticks to it :)

To FHM- we'd love to hear your thoughts, even if it's to find fault in how we interpreted/executed your plan. Do we get any sort of reward for our efforts? :)

Sam & Arivind

Final Day Meal Plan

Breakfast (7.35am):
Half an orange
1 piece of wholemeal toast, lightly buttered
1 small glass orange juice*

11.20am: 1 cup decaf green tea

Lunch (1.30pm):
2 slices of wholemeal bread
6 thin slices of German sausage
1 tbsp non-fat cottage cheese
Homemade chilli paste
Handful of almonds
1 glass orange juice*
2 squares of dark chocolate

Snack (4.30pm):

6.50pm: 1 cup decaf green tea

Dinner (7.40pm):
3 chargrilled chicken drumsticks, skinless
Carrots, broccoli and cauliflower


Breakfast (11.40am):
Sip of orange juice*
1 egg, bit of brown rice and 3 thin slices of German sausage

Lunch (1.00pm):
2 rye crispbreads
1 baby avocado and bits of smoked salmon
1 mango

Snack (3.15pm):

Handful of almonds
1 apple
1 small slice of wholemeal bread with bits of smoked salmon

Dinner (7.40pm):
1 cup decaf green tea
3 chargrilled chicken drumsticks
Carrots, broccoli and cauliflower

9.45pm: 1 cup decaf green tea

*All juices are 100% not-from-concentrate, no sugar added.


  1. You do realize that "exaggeration" may be a little strong, since they didn't provide a "before" pic of said model. If he started out looking like Jabba or myself, then yeah, the results "suggested" are pretty mind-blowing. However, if his starting point was say perhaps a little less toned, then it's probably accurate.

    I doubt FHM thought that anyone would actually try their silly plan. And if anyone did, then the ripped looking guy would be incentive enough.

  2. Dear Arivind and Sam,

    Your 6 pec efforts have caught the attention of a certain lil Yvonne and whilst I initially thought it was a cool project, my smile has turned upside down now that I have been 'encouraged' to take up the challenge,T.T lol!

    Jokes aside, I think the results are definitely noticeable :) Are you guys planning to continue on?

  3. well done guys!
    jali n i are very impressed, tahap jaw hanging- mata terbeliak impressed! wasnt just ur bods that showed, yee faces r also lean, 2 thumbs up!

    jali is inspired, but i think im more of a rohan than a sam+arivind haha

    enjoy ur cake/sweets/white rice/pasta

    xx aimee

  4. both arivinds and both sams look fine. f* this pursuit of aesthetic publicly held perception of so called beauty - go do something more productive with your time like make a baby :)

    but rohan - get your ars* in shape!

  5. Thanks guys! Yes we'll be carrying on, and upping the difficulty/easing off the anal recording of meals as mentioned. Not just for "beauty" Jason, but because a) it feels really good and b) we don't wanna make a baby:P

    Haha Aimee, at the rate you consume desserts I'm not surprised you feel more Rohan-like... but lucky for you you don't need an abs plan anyway!

    Wenxian- haha yea they DEFINITELY didn't expect anyone to test the plan, hence this article they wrote on us online http://bit.ly/29Liti We received an email today saying they want to feature a condensed version of what we've done in the actual physical mag, apparently they are impressed with our "amazing" change after 6 weeks although they admitted we didn't achieve the ripped model status! :)

    Matt- yes Vonney has asked for larger images of the magazine pages so she can read it properly and start! How are you guys doing this long-distance?


  6. Impressive! Cheer! I love reading about what you all eat specifically.

    Evan has embarked on this marathon training mission and I've sorta joined him on some of the training.. sorta. Still not as disciplined. Need to work harder and model some of it on your routine.

    I know I'm skinny by nature but like most women, I've got some problems with the chubs on zee belly. Le sigh. Oh, and of course the fact that I have no energy is a problem.

    But aiya, just came back from Malaysia and my apartment is filled with tambun biscuits, kaya and beh teh soh (the biscuit with brown sugar filling), my HK friend gave us mooncakes and Evan bought muffins for my birthday. How la?

    Anyway, congratulations again! And let us know when the article comes out on FHM. =)

  7. It works!!! Well...... a little

    Im just glad that you're all returning to the carb-side. The joys of white bread!

  8. haha actually, we never really ate white bread to begin with so we're not returning there :) We've been feeling really good so are sticking to brown rice, brown carbs and the occasional dessert/baked good, although Arivind is going hardcore and not even having those :P

    GP: Finish the pastries and start! although no one can tell you have any chubs anywhere la. You annoying naturally skinny people, grrr.
